Thursday 2 August 2012

Too Far

I think I might have pushed it too hard.  As my friends neighborhoodmilf and thebeatgoes pointed out in the comments from yesterday.

Thanks for the reality check guys.

The lightheadedness isn't clearing as easily as usual, and it hurts when I swallow. Yes - if it gets worse I'll see a doctor (I'll even tell them how I got the bruises).

For now, rest, warm tea, relaxation.

Today my best friend is coming over for lunch, hair stroking, and cuddles. I think I'm feeling a little emotionally neglected and need to spend some quality time with people who get me. 

In exciting news, I got an email from a friend. He's been off the grid in Paris for a couple of months now. Only a couple of emails in months and months. I'm so delighted to have heard from him. 

So here is to me accepting my limits, to lovely emails, and a day of Quentin Tarantino movies!

Thanks for the reality checks sometimes.


P.S. NeighborhoodMilf writes a really amazing, really edgy blog. Hit her up here:


  1. Glad that you came to this realization!

    Oh and I love Tarantino movies!! You got a favorite?

    1. Hey Quenton Lark!

      Pleasure hearing from you again :)

      I do so love Pulp Fiction, and it's easily the one I've watched the most. I love My Name is Modesty, and I'm a sucker for the Kill Bills.

      Have you checked out the new trailer for Django Unchained? Totally amazing...

      Here's a link (just in case):

      With Love!

    2. Thanks for the heads up...that movie is going to be sick!!

      Pulp Fiction is obviously a classic, but one of my favorites is True Romance. The Kill Bill movies are always entertaining to watch. I haven't seen My Name is Modesty...I'll have to check that one out.

      Hope you're having a great day!


    3. Totally excited for Django :D

      I think I definitely need a re-watch on True Romance.

      I'm having a lovely day, hope you are too!


  2. Awwww, sweetie, I'm so glad you've stepped back a little from this. We do tend to get wrapped up in our particular fetishes, don't we? I hope the relaxation and warm tea (and cuddling!) helped.

    (thanks for the props, btw! Love ya!)

    1. Hey Tori,

      It was truly lovely.

      A pleasure, the props are well earned :)

